Reliving My Childhood Love of Horses02/01/2022When I was growing up I LOVED being in the barn! I would ride my bike to the barn in the morning (a few miles away) and would return home whenever I was hungry or tired enough to want to leave. My mom (vaguely) knew where I was and what I was doing. It was a charmed childhood. My horse cost $5000 and I remember how much $$ that was and what a treasure he was. I did all the work I could to pay for him and all his stuff. He wasn’t fancy but he was mine. Tuesdays at the barn may be one of my favorite days- I get to relive a little bit of this childhood as I watch these girls “play” with the horses. They laugh and imagine and work and figure things out. I knew when they got on double, bareback that it wouldn’t end well…. But part of the joy in failing in something is being willing to try and experiment and learn! Letting these girls come and love and experience and learn and laugh is such a gift…. But before any fun was had all of them were out in the rain- cleaning and feeding and shoveling poop…. Not sure which lessons are more valuable but I’m pretty sure these girls are going to grow up to be pretty remarkable humans. I’m sure glad I have a front row seat and get to watch!
Reliving My Childhood Love of Horses02/01/2022When I was growing up I LOVED being in the barn! I would ride my bike to the barn in the morning (a few miles away) and would return home whenever I was hungry or tired enough to want to leave. My mom (vaguely) knew where I was and what I was doing. It was a charmed childhood. My horse cost $5000 and I remember how much $$ that was and what a treasure he was. I did all the work I could to pay for him and all his stuff. He wasn’t fancy but he was mine. Tuesdays at the barn may be one of my favorite days- I get to relive a little bit of this childhood as I watch these girls “play” with the horses. They laugh and imagine and work and figure things out. I knew when they got on double, bareback that it wouldn’t end well…. But part of the joy in failing in something is being willing to try and experiment and learn! Letting these girls come and love and experience and learn and laugh is such a gift…. But before any fun was had all of them were out in the rain- cleaning and feeding and shoveling poop…. Not sure which lessons are more valuable but I’m pretty sure these girls are going to grow up to be pretty remarkable humans. I’m sure glad I have a front row seat and get to watch!